Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Lowering Your Homeowner’s Insurance Costs

1.  Get a CLUE: Review the Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange (CLUE) report on the property you’re interested in buying.  CLUE reports show the property’s claims history for the most recent five years, which insurers may use to deny coverage or ascertain rates. Use the option period available in Texas transactions in order to get an inspection to make sure that problems identified in the CLUE report have been repaired.

2.  Get Your Ducks Lined Up In a Row:  Find insurance coverage as soon as your offer is accepted. You must obtain insurance to buy and you don’t want to find out at the end that you can’t get insurance.

3.  Keep Your Credit Score High: Insurers often use credit scores to determine premiums.

4.  Combine:  Buy your home owners and auto policies from the same company and you’ll usually qualify for savings. But make sure the discount really yields the lowest price.

5. Raise your deductible: If you can afford to pay more toward a loss that occurs, your premiums will be lower. Avoid making claims under $1,000.

6. Ask about other discounts: For example, retirees who tend to be home more than full-time workers may qualify for a discount on theft insurance. You also may be able to obtain discounts for having smoke detectors, a burglar alarm, or dead-bolt locks.

7. Review your policy limits and the value of your home and possessions annually: Some items depreciate and may not need as much coverage.